NZGDC is connecting an ever-growing global audience to games and video content developed in Aotearoa NZ.

New Zealand Game Developers Conference 2025

25 - 27 SEPT





NZGDC 2025: The People at the Heart of Games

Nau mai haere mai, Welcome to the New Zealand Game Developers Conference (NZGDC) for 2025!

This is more than just a conference; it’s a celebration of Aotearoa’s amazing game dev community.

It speaks to the importance of community, collaboration, and the people who shape our industry—developers, storytellers, players, and cultural guardians.

We’ll have inspiring talks, engaging workshops, and vibrant panel discussions that highlight voices from all corners of our industry.

Whether you’re a veteran developer, an enthusiastic gamer, or just starting your journey, NZGDC 2025 is the perfect place to forge new friendships, exchange ideas, and ignite your creativity!

Our theme for this year is The People at the Heart of Games and is inspired by the well-known Māori proverb “He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata, he tangata, he tangata” (What is the most important thing in the world? It is people, it is people, it is people), emphasising the human side of game development.

We’re excited to announce that speaker applications are now open!

If you're passionate about game dev, design, or tech; or have insights or experiences that could educate & inspire others in the game community, now’s your chance to shine!

Whether you're an experienced speaker or new to the stage, we want to hear your ideas. Applications close 30th April 2025.

If you’d like to get involved in other ways then consider applying for the

Be a part of shaping the conference experience and help elevate the voices of our diverse community.

Let’s level up together for an unforgettable conference experience!

NZGDC 2024