Learn more about NZGDC, who funds us and how we started.

Maru Nihoniho, Founder, Metia Interactive
Game image: Guardian Maia

A history

Game Corner
NZGDC 2023

Since its inception with the Fuse event in 2004, the New Zealand Game Developers Conference (NZGDC) has grown into a significant gathering for industry professionals.

After a hiatus, the conference was revitalized in 2012 and has since featured notable speakers like Alex Amstel and Jeff Olsen. The conference has found various venues over the years, including AUT University and Te Papa, attracting renowned figures like Dave Brevik, Connie Kennedy, and Dean Hall.

In 2022, the NZGDC expanded it’s scope to include the screen sector, with Convergence Day welcoming the VFX and animation industries. As a platform for knowledge-sharing and community growth, the NZGDC continues to evolve, offering valuable experiences and opportunities for New Zealand’s game development scene.

NZ Game Developers Association

The New Zealand Game Developers Association (NZGDA) is the not-for-profit industry organisation behind the New Zealand Game Developers Conference (NZGDC). Established in 2001, the NZGDA aims to promote and support the growth of the game development industry in New Zealand by providing a platform for developers to connect, learn, and showcase their work. The association is run by a board of industry professionals who volunteer their time and expertise to advance the interests of the New Zealand game development community.

The NZGDC, is an annual conference that brings together industry professionals, students, and enthusiasts to share knowledge, network, and celebrate the best of New Zealand game development.

The conference features keynote speeches from international and local industry experts, panels and workshops on topics such as game design, programming, and business development, as well as a showcase of new and innovative games from New Zealand developers.

The NZGDA also provides resources and support to its members, including access to other industry events, networking opportunities and benefits and resources. Through its efforts, the NZGDA aims to foster a thriving and sustainable game development community in Aotearoa.